COD: 0BG4.SL185

Epoxy Zinc One-Component

Tools: Brush, roller and spray

Dilution: Synthetic, nitro

Dilution with spray: 10-15% nitro

Dilution with roller: 0-5% synthetic

 Yield: 5,5 m²/Kg

Dry residue: 75 ± 1% (weight)

For more information:

  Write us an email

Call: 045 8581034


Fast-drying one-component epoxy primer corrosion inhibitor for ferrous surfaces. The excellent passivating power is linked to the high content of metallic zinc, which gives a galvanic anti-corrosion resistance. ZINCOVIV can be used both as a touch-up for inorganic or organic galvanisers and as a primer for painting cycles on new structures. The product has good adhesion on sandblasted and calamine free ferrous metal surfaces.


Technical Data Sheet

Additional informations

Colori RALZINC GREY 25kg 25 kg
25 L2,5 L
05 L0,5 L


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